Listening 4 Justice (L4J) is both an experience and a community.
The L4J experience is a series of online gatherings. Youth and adults come together to listen and share stories rooted in personal and collective history that help us see a way forward. The L4J experience is a robust and compassionate exploration of racial equity and cultural justice that educates, inspires, and helps participants answer the question: What is mine to do?
The L4J community is a collective of youth and adults who have participated in the L4J experience and are committed to listening, learning, and leading for racial healing and cultural justice. In the L4J community, we care for and support one another through monthly online gatherings, seasonal community newsletters, and special events and initiatives.
Who am I: Identity matters
Race is all in your head
Fight the Power!
Internalizing Love
How can we all just get along?
The system
What is mine to do?
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